Here, I invite you to help start and then feed a conversation about the many ways in which we, as women, have developed attitudes and feelings about money and our relationship to it in life.
To get the ball rolling, I will share that I have had a great deal of inner conflict about this topic throughout my life. While part of me is undeniably ambitious and opportunity-seeking, and I can go after money for causes and other people's needs without batting an eye, I am much more circumspect when it comes to revealing--or even acknowledging to myself--my own financial struggles, aspirations, and accomplishments. My life work, you see, has always been couched in "selfless charity to others"--without regard to monetary gain.
Kind of makes me want to throw up.
So, my friend.... What are your experiences and limiting beliefs around money and wealth? What successes have you had in overcoming things like this?
I look forward to hearing from you, and I will be back with more posts soon!
Unlimitingly yours,